Episode 12, Part 3 of the Emotional Manipulators Series. More Toxic Personalities who Break Your Heart – the Passive Aggressive, Commitmentphobe, Drama Queen, Mama’s Boy, and Peter Pan Man are discussed.
In Episode 12 of Lessons in Life and Love, I go into the rest of the 14 Personality types that are difficult to Love; and very often, will break your heart. Knowledge is power and leads to Success in Dating! Learn about all these mental health disorders that are more common than you realize! Recognize yourself in any of them? Reach out to me to apply for a Free Life & Love Transformation Discovery Session at www.RianaMilne.com
1) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams – Break Free from Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve (my #1 Bestseller)
2) The Peter Pan Syndrome – Dan Kelly
3) Daily Affirmations for Adult Children of Alcoholics (or Trauma) – Rokelle Lerner
RianaMilne.com @RianaMilne Podcast: LessonsinLifeandLove.com
#Relationships #Depression #Anxiety #ACOA #Abandonment #AbusiveRelationships #ToxicRelationships #Divorce #AbusiveinRelationships #LoveTrauma #Codependent #AbusiveRelationshipSigns #NarcissticPartner #Dating #ManipulativeHusbands #SinglesCoaching #TerrianaMilne #HealthyLove #EmotionalTrauma #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #PersonalTransformation #LifeafterDivorce #ToxicParents #RianaMilne #ChildhoodTrauma #Addiction #RelationshipCoach #EmotionalAbuse #VerbalAbuse #sexualAbuse #AdultChildrenfromAbuse