Episode 12, Part 3 of the Emotional Manipulators Series. More Toxic Personalities who Break Your Heart – the Passive Aggressive, Commitmentphobe, Drama Queen, Mama’s Boy, and Peter Pan Man are discussed.

In Episode 12 of Lessons in Life and Love, I go into the rest of the 14 Personality types that are difficult to Love; and very often, will break your heart. Knowledge is power and leads to Success in Dating! Learn about all these mental health disorders that are more common than you realize! Recognize yourself in any of them? Reach out to me to apply for a Free Life & Love Transformation Discovery Session at www.RianaMilne.com


1) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams – Break Free from Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve (my #1 Bestseller)

2) The Peter Pan Syndrome – Dan Kelly

3) Daily Affirmations for Adult Children of Alcoholics (or Trauma) – Rokelle Lerner

RianaMilne.com  @RianaMilne  Podcast: LessonsinLifeandLove.com

#Relationships #Depression #Anxiety #ACOA #Abandonment #AbusiveRelationships #ToxicRelationships #Divorce #AbusiveinRelationships #LoveTrauma #Codependent #AbusiveRelationshipSigns #NarcissticPartner #Dating #ManipulativeHusbands #SinglesCoaching  #TerrianaMilne #HealthyLove #EmotionalTrauma #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #PersonalTransformation #LifeafterDivorce #ToxicParents #RianaMilne #ChildhoodTrauma #Addiction #RelationshipCoach #EmotionalAbuse #VerbalAbuse #sexualAbuse #AdultChildrenfromAbuse



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11. Falling in Love w a Con Artist, Sociopath or Psychopath; The Chronic Cheater and Other Toxic Partners who Break Your Heart

Part 2 of The Emotional Manipulators goes deep into the traits of a Sociopath (because 1 in 25 people are Sociopathic), the Psychopath, and Chronic Cheater. Why do men and women cheat – is it for the same reasons? Learn this and more in this Episode in Lessons in Life & Love.


1) LOVE Beyond Your DreamsBreak Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve (my #1 Bestseller)

2) The Sociopath Next Door – The Ruthless vs the Rest of Us by Dr. Martha Stout

3) Life CodeThe New Rules for Living in the Real World by Dr. Phil McGraw

4) Daily Affirmationsfor Adult Children of Alcoholics by Rokelle Lerner

5) Wikipedia – the Online Encyclopedia

RianaMilne.com  @RianaMilne 

Website for Podcast: LessonsinLifeandLove.com

#Relationships #Depression #Anxiety #ACOA #Abandonment #AbusiveRelationships #ToxicRelationships #Divorce #AbusiveinRelationships #LoveTrauma #Codependent #AbusiveRelationshipSigns #NarcissticPartner #Dating #ManipulativeHusbands #SinglesCoaching  #TerrianaMilne #HealthyLove #EmotionalTrauma #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #PersonalTransformation #LifeafterDivorce #ToxicParents#RianaMilne #ChildhoodTrauma #Addiction #RelationshipCoach #EmotionalAbuse #VerbalAbuse #sexualAbuse #AdultChildrenfromAbuse




Check out this episode!

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  1. Why Do You Attract Toxic Partners? How to Spot an Emotional Manipulator – The Narcissist, Borderline & Bipolar Personality Types

We begin with the definition of “a Toxic Partner” – meaning someone whose behaviors are so extreme they make you physically and emotionally sick. We discuss Codependency (the soft-hearted person is the prey to an Abuser – who eventually become codependent to keep the peace). Are you suffering from RRS? Relationship Repetition Syndrome is someone who chooses “the same person; different face” and experiences several toxic relationships. We go over the Signs that you are Settling for Less then you Deserve, and some of the Red Flags Warning Checklist – an essential tool to see if your partner is Toxic. And from there – I go deep into what the Narcissist is (do you know there are several types?), signs of the Borderline Personality type, and traits of a Bipolar person.

This show is FULL of amazing content to help you be more selective in your dating and choice of partners.

Books used tonight:

1) My #1 Best Seller – LOVE Beyond Your Dreams – Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve

2) Lesson at the end: Daily Affirmations for Adult Children of Alcoholics, by Rokelle Lerner


#Relationships #Depression #Anxiety #ACOA #Abandonment

#AbusiveRelationships #ToxicRelationships #Divorce

#AbusiveinRelationships #LoveTrauma #Codependent

#AbusiveRelationshipSigns #NarcissticPartner #Dating

#ManipulativeHusbands #SinglesCoaching  #TerrianaMilne

#HealthyLove #EmotionalTrauma #LifeCoach #LoveCoach#

#PersonalTransformation #lifeafterDivorce #ToxicParents

#RianaMilne #ChildhoodTrauma #addiction #RelationshipCoach #EmotionalAbuse #VerbalAbuse #sexualAbuse #AdultChildrenfromAbuse



Check out this episode!

9. How Addiction in the Family Affects You in Life & Love w Guest Coach, Greg Johnson – Spiritual Healer for the High Achiever

What exactly is an addiction and its impact on you in later Life and Love as an adult? Learn about the ACOA Personality type – Adult Child of an Alcoholic or other Traumas; and how certain coping and behavior patterns from your past can either lead you into addiction yourself or sabotage you in love. Guest Coach Greg Johnson, CEO & Founder of www.LoveSoulutions.org talks about his Healing Heart Transformation Technique for deep spiritual healing for addicts and alcoholics who are high achieving athletes, artists, and professionals who are tired of destroying their lives with substances and toxic behaviors. At the end, he offers a free guided meditation and Strategy session with him to discuss your concerns ($497 value). You will learn the key components to addiction recovery! 

Check out this episode!

9. How Addiction in the Family Affects You in Life & Love w Guest Coach, Greg Johnson – Spiritual Healer for the High Achiever

What exactly is an addiction and its impact on you in later Life and Love as an adult? Learn about the ACOA Personality type – Adult Child of an Alcoholic or other Traumas; and how certain coping and behavior patterns from your past can either lead you into addiction yourself or sabotage you in love. Guest Coach Greg Johnson, CEO & Founder of www.LoveSoulutions.org talks about his Healing Heart Transformation Technique for deep spiritual healing for addicts and alcoholics who are high achieving athletes, artists, and professionals who are tired of destroying their lives with substances and toxic behaviors. At the end, he offers a free guided meditation and Strategy session with him to discuss your concerns ($497 value). You will learn the key components to addiction recovery! 

Check out this episode!

7. Dating Dos & Dont’s for Women – Tips to Find Your Emotionally Healthy Partner.

Dating Do’s and Don’ts for Women – tips to attract an Emotionally Healthy, Evolved and Conscious Partner are examined in Show 7 of Lessons in Life & Love with Coach Riana Milne. Topics covered are: 13 Guidelines for Women to Understand Men, Chemistry – is it Good or Bad – and Why; Emotional, Intellectual and Spiritual importance; Some of the Don’ts – Stop Settling, Chasing or Trying to Hard; and some Questions to Ask to know if He’s “The One.” Need help? Reach out to me at RianaMilne.com @RianaMilne

#ToxicRelationships #ChildhoodTrauma #LoveTrauma #ACOA  #Relationships #Depression #Anxiety #Abandonment #AbusiveRelationships #ToxicRelationships #Divorce #AbusiveinRelationships #LoveTrauma  #Codependent #AbusiveRelationshipSigns #NarcissticPartner #Dating #ManipulativeHusbands #SinglesCoaching  #TerrianaMilne #LoveCoach #HealthyLove #EmotionalTrauma #LifeCoach #PersonalTransformation #lifeafterDivorce #ToxicParents #RianaMilne #ChildhoodTrauma #addiction #RelationshipCoach #EmotionalAbuse #VerbalAbuse #sexualAbuse #AdultChildrenfromAbuse


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8: The Law of Attraction for Love – Spiritual Concepts to Help Attract your Emotionally Healthy, Evolved & Conscious Partner

This Episode of Lessons in Life & Love starts with an overview of the Law of Attraction for your Life and Love Relationship. The documentary movie, “The Secret” by Robyn Bryne is summarized. I then go into the 5 Truths of Conscious Dating and review my chapter “The Law of Attraction for Love” from my #1 Best Selling book; LOVE Beyond Your DreamsBreak Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve. Then I conclude with “7 Tips to Know if He Loves You;” and the Weekly Lesson from the Daily Affirmations book for Adult Children of Alcoholics (and other trauma) by Rokelle Lerner.

Other resources in this Lesson come from the book, “Calling in the One – 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life” by Katherine Woodard Thomas.



Check out this episode!