Show 0: Introduction to Lessons in Life & Love

Lessons in Life & Love shows you How to Create the Life You Desire and to Have the Emotionally Healthy, Evolved & Conscious Relationship you Deserve. My mission is to help build your knowledge, confidence, and success in both Life and Love.

Research shows 90% of Adults struggle in life & love due to past Family or Relationship Trauma. Conscious self-awareness and a positive mindset can help you overcome past pain, negativity, fears, lack of Trust, Codependency, Emotional Triggers and Anxiety – and more.

I’m Coach Riana Milne, known as “The Life & Love Transformation Expert.” I’m a Certified, global Life, Dating & Relationship Coach, Licensed Mental Health Counselor & Certified Clinical Trauma & Addictions Professional.

I’m also Best Selling Author and taught Personal Transformation topics for over 38 years.

This podcast is ideal for women who are Successful in Business but Struggle in Love; yet much of the content applies to men too.

I also do a Live Radio version of Lessons in Life & Love on Bold Brave every Monday, from 6:00-7:00 PM EST – and you can join me for the live show by visiting the link: During my live show, you may call in at 866-451-1451 to ask me your question LIVE on the radio show. Or, simply email me at to give me your questions and I will answer it on the following show for you.

Each week, the podcast version of my show will be posted on Friday morning, so you have the weekend to listen to another Lesson in Life and Love. These shows will be anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour, and I may do a brief lesson from time to time.

I hope you listen each week and give me your comments and feedback. I also truly appreciate you rating the show on the listening platform of your choice.

This show is for YOU. So please, ask me your questions, and please engage; and share this show with others, who you know are suffering in either Life or Love – I need your help in my mission to Help the Way the World Loves in a more Emotionally Healthy, Evolved & Conscious way!

So…. Love Angels & Transformers – Are you ready to Create the Life You Desire & Have the Love You Deserve?

Then Welcome to the podcast of – Lessons in Life & Love!