14. Sexual Desire & Intimacy w Dr. Jane Guyn

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14. Sexual Desire & Intimacy w guest Coach, Dr. Jane Guyn; Keeping the Passion Alive! Relationship Rules for Success

Episode 14 of Lessons in Life & Love features Dr. Jane Guyn, Ph.D; Sex & Intimacy Coach and author of the Amazon #1 Bestseller; “Too Busy to Get Busy”. Riana begins the show with some Relationship Rules for Success; then she and Dr. Jane have a lively discussion about Why Partners Cheat, How Best to Recover from an Affair; Getting Sexual Desire back after an Abusive Relationship, How to Get the Passion Back, and so much more!

Resources: Books –

Dr. Jane Guyn – Too Busy to Get Busy; for more information contact her at www.janeguyn.com (Creator of the Lover’s Journey)

Riana Milne – LOVE Beyond Your Dreams, Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve

Rockelle Lerner: Daily Affirmations for Adult Children of Alcoholics

Website: www.RianaMilne.com  @RianaMilne 

Podcast website: www.LessonsinLifeandLove.com

FB: Coach Riana Milne

#Relationships #Anxiety #ACOA #Abandonment #RianaMilne #ChildhoodTrauma #AbusiveRelationships #ToxicRelationships #Divorce #LoveTrauma #Codependent #AbusiveRelationshipSigns #NarcissticPartner #Dating #SinglesCoaching  #TerrianaMilne #HealthyLove #EmotionalTrauma #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #PersonalTransformation #RelationshipCoach #LifeafterDivorce #EmotionalAbuse #VerbalAbuse #Addiction #Depression #AdultChildrenfromAbuse #ManipulativeHusbands #ToxicParents



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