13. What Do Men & Women Want in Love? Guest Rich Celenza
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Episode 13. What Do Men & Women Want When it Comes to Love? Guest Rich Celenza goes into Dating & Relationship Tips for Singles & Couples
Riana and Rich Celenza, Men’s Dating Coach and author of Wing Man, discuss the differences in the sexes when it comes to what they desire from a Love Relationship. Riana first describes the importance of defining your Requirements, Wants and Needs – and then Rich and she have a lively discussion on Dos’s & Don’ts when it Comes to Dating, What makes a Relationship last?; Dealing with Rejection and what makes someone Cheat – and how do you handle it? This and lots more!
Catch our TV Interview too!
On YouTube: https://youtu.be/AvT0gkky3R0
Resources: Wing Man – The Ultimate Guide to Getting the Woman of Your Dreams – by Rich Celenza
LOVE Beyond Your Dreams – Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve – Riana Milne
Website: www.RianaMilne.com @RianaMilne
Podcast website: LessonsinLifeandLove.com
FB: Coach Riana Milne
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