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122: Avoid Dangerous Danger Disasters – How to Have Success in Dating. PART 1; Feb 2024 Class; Learn the Top Dating Disasters that could Break Your Heart and Cause Dangerous outcomes. Learn to have Incredible Success in Dating and Find “The One” – an Emotionally Healthy, Evolved, and Conscious Partner; with the Success in Dating Course and Coach Riana Milne. Coaching Q and A at the end.


Lessons in Life and Love podcast library: https://LessonsinLifeandLove.com

Get FREE Resources to Help You To Create the Life You Desire & to Have the Love You Deserve!

1) Main website: https://RianaMilne.com FREE Love Tests, Book Chapter downloads & other resources

2) FREE NEW eBook (Have the Love You Deserve) https://bit.ly/FreeLoveEBook

3) Podcast: https://LessonsinLifeandLove.com and on all Podcast channels; or see over 250 videos and audios on my YouTube Channel; SUBSCRIBE to get ALL New Releases YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RianaMilne/videos

Riana’s Books:

1) LIVE Beyond Your Dreams – from Fear and Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose and Success; http://bit.ly/LIVEbook

2) LOVE Beyond Your Dreams – Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve; http://bit.ly/RianasLOVEbook

Publications & Articles/Features:

1- NY Weekly Magazine: Life’s Transitional Guides; 15 Influential Coaches Transforming Lives; https://nyweekly.com/business/lifes-transformational-guides-15-influential-coaches-transforming-lives/

2- Fashion Republic Special Sept 2023 Fashion Edition; cover and feature https://bit.ly/RianaMilneFashionRepublichttps://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/2603280?__r=5245963

3- Disrupt Magazine (7/6/2023) https://bit.ly/DisruptArticleRianaMilne https://disruptmagazine.com/riana-milne-empowering-individuals-to-create-the-life-they-desire-have-the-love-they-deserve/

4- Influencer Daily Magazine: Mar 2023; https://influencerdaily.com/riana-milne-guide-by-respected-influencer/

5- Business Spotlight Magazine: Jan 2023: https://rianamilne.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/JANUARY-2023-SPOTLIGHT-MAGAZINE-Riana-Milne.pdf

6- Top 10 Coaches to Follow in 2022; Wealth Insider Magazine: https://bit.ly/WealthInsiderMagTop10Coaches

7- 100 Most Successful Women Around the World Book https://bit.ly/100SuccessfulWomenBook

8- FORBES Article – https://bit.ly/Forbes6TipsforSuccessRianaMilne Increasing self-concept and developmental assets in adolescents using behavioral and psycho-educational interventions https://bit.ly/IncreasingSelfEsteemInTeens

Check out this latest episode!