10. Why Do You Attract Toxic Partners?

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  1. Why Do You Attract Toxic Partners? How to Spot an Emotional Manipulator – The Narcissist, Borderline & Bipolar Personality Types

We begin with the definition of “a Toxic Partner” – meaning someone whose behaviors are so extreme they make you physically and emotionally sick. We discuss Codependency (the soft-hearted person is the prey to an Abuser – who eventually become codependent to keep the peace). Are you suffering from RRS? Relationship Repetition Syndrome is someone who chooses “the same person; different face” and experiences several toxic relationships. We go over the Signs that you are Settling for Less then you Deserve, and some of the Red Flags Warning Checklist – an essential tool to see if your partner is Toxic. And from there – I go deep into what the Narcissist is (do you know there are several types?), signs of the Borderline Personality type, and traits of a Bipolar person.

This show is FULL of amazing content to help you be more selective in your dating and choice of partners.

Books used tonight:

1) My #1 Best Seller – LOVE Beyond Your Dreams – Break Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve

2) Lesson at the end: Daily Affirmations for Adult Children of Alcoholics, by Rokelle Lerner


#Relationships #Depression #Anxiety #ACOA #Abandonment

#AbusiveRelationships #ToxicRelationships #Divorce

#AbusiveinRelationships #LoveTrauma #Codependent

#AbusiveRelationshipSigns #NarcissticPartner #Dating

#ManipulativeHusbands #SinglesCoaching  #TerrianaMilne

#HealthyLove #EmotionalTrauma #LifeCoach #LoveCoach#

#PersonalTransformation #lifeafterDivorce #ToxicParents

#RianaMilne #ChildhoodTrauma #addiction #RelationshipCoach #EmotionalAbuse #VerbalAbuse #sexualAbuse #AdultChildrenfromAbuse



Check out this episode!