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11. Falling in Love w a Con Artist, Sociopath or Psychopath; The Chronic Cheater and Other Toxic Partners who Break Your Heart

Part 2 of The Emotional Manipulators goes deep into the traits of a Sociopath (because 1 in 25 people are Sociopathic), the Psychopath, and Chronic Cheater. Why do men and women cheat – is it for the same reasons? Learn this and more in this Episode in Lessons in Life & Love.


1) LOVE Beyond Your DreamsBreak Free of Toxic Relationships to Have the Love You Deserve (my #1 Bestseller)

2) The Sociopath Next Door – The Ruthless vs the Rest of Us by Dr. Martha Stout

3) Life CodeThe New Rules for Living in the Real World by Dr. Phil McGraw

4) Daily Affirmationsfor Adult Children of Alcoholics by Rokelle Lerner

5) Wikipedia – the Online Encyclopedia

RianaMilne.com  @RianaMilne 

Website for Podcast: LessonsinLifeandLove.com

#Relationships #Depression #Anxiety #ACOA #Abandonment #AbusiveRelationships #ToxicRelationships #Divorce #AbusiveinRelationships #LoveTrauma #Codependent #AbusiveRelationshipSigns #NarcissticPartner #Dating #ManipulativeHusbands #SinglesCoaching  #TerrianaMilne #HealthyLove #EmotionalTrauma #LifeCoach #LoveCoach #PersonalTransformation #LifeafterDivorce #ToxicParents#RianaMilne #ChildhoodTrauma #Addiction #RelationshipCoach #EmotionalAbuse #VerbalAbuse #sexualAbuse #AdultChildrenfromAbuse




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